
AM-Tower End of Time Simulator definition of the Newtonian Universe

Table of Contents

  1. Calculate Celestial Body Rotational and Orbital Speeds
  2. Energy Calculator
  3. Calculate the Madness of People
  4. Watch BBC Special “The Last Magician”


JavaScript used to do calculations: trinary.js

Calculate Celestial Body Rotational and Orbital Speeds

Select Celestial Body from Drop-down or enter numbers manually:

Enter Celestial Body Diameter in Miles:
Enter Celestial Body Sidereal Period in Days:
Celestial Body Average Rotational Speed
(Big Number) Celestial Body Average Rotational Speed
CBARS = ( Diameter * PI ) / ( Rotation * 24 )
Average Orbital Speed in Miles Per Hour
Enter Celestial Body Orbital distance in Miles:
Enter Celestial Body Orbital Period in Days:
Celestial Body Average Orbital Speed
(Big Number) Celestial Body Average Orbital Speed
AOS = Distance / ( Days * 24 )
Calculate Celestial Body Rotational and Orbital Speeds
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I wrote two functions, one using JavaScript base Math; the other uses Big Number Math, note they are close to the same, and would have to look at more than just the 3 decimal places.
I show both in case someone thinks this is a math accuracy issue.

The version of the Torah with the Pagan Beliefs had math written in the border of the page’s artwork; this is a list of them.

  • God's Formula (Math for Graph of AC waveform): (+1) + (-1) = 0
  • Tesla's Formula: 3, 6, and 9.
  • Trinary Formula: 6, 66, 666 and so on.

Where Trinary means the Science of God, defined as all Light without Darkness found inside of Atoms.
Trinary Science is Science of 3 Logical State Changes: Solid (+1), Semisolid (-1), and Invisible are where they are equal.

The average speed of Earth’s orbit around the Sun is on average 66,666.666 miles per hour, therefore, its core frequency is 6.66 Hz.

This math is simple and easy to understand, and how the Universe works. It is not complex once you understand the Math behind it.

What you need to learn from History is that Kepler said Christ was a Star.

  • We now know this is a Binary Star known as Sirius that aligns with the Great Pyramid once a year on 25 December under the Julian Calendar, and 14 January under the Gregorian, most people use nowadays.
  • Newton calculated the End of Time knowing our Magnetic strength has been decaying since the calendar was reset to 0 over 20 centuries ago.
  • NASA proved our Magnetic Strenth is decaying at a constant rate of around %5 per century, so we know the End of Time is coming on 14 January 2061.

Math does not lie, but you will find a lie in the middle of everything you believe, or do I need to point out that what you believe in becomes your Belief's?

The truth is rarely what anyone wants to hear, but proving something that is true, to people who believe in Einstein, who, according to history, Denounced his theories in favor of Newton's God as the Force of Gravity, as proof, we only use Newton's Math, and it is based on God Being the Force of Gravity.

Einstein removed God, therefore, all Light without Darkness, thus E = MC2, where C is constant for the Light Einstein removed when removing God.

We can take Newton's Math F = MA, where F is the Force of Gravity in terms the “M” for Mass of Atoms with Light without Darkness, or God, found inside the Neutrinos that make up all atoms, and the Electron.

This means that Energy is E = MA2.

Trinary Science teaches a Galaxy, Sun, Planet, or Moon, all have a core known as a Trinary Engine, just like Dark Stars and their companions. At the Atomic level, everything is made of atoms, and electrons bind them, proving that Trinary Engines are huge Trinary Atoms. We know this is the truth because the follow the rules of electricity and electronics.

The Trinary Math behind how all Heavenly bodies orbit objects, is found in the Galaxy Calculator.

We know that Henrietta Swan Leavitt discovered that all Sun's orbit the Galaxy at the same rate, but not speed. Trinary Science discovered that we orbit the Sun, as the Sun orbits around a Dark Star in the Galactic Disk.

Henrietta Swan Leavitt
Henrietta Swan Leavitt
Henrietta Swan Leavitt

We know that if we use the Math of the Greatest Wizards in History: Kepler, Newton, and Tesla, then we must agree this is based on God being the Force of Gravity. The math proves that Sirius, a Binary Star, or the Star known as Christ, and Jesus was not a Star, instead the leader of the Militia who defeated the Roman Empire for their use of Money and Taxation. This is the reason schools teach a denounced theory, because Einstein removed God from the Universe and Science.

Trinary Science proves that the force of Sirius is causing our planets to orbit in elliptical orbits, other wise they would orbit like the Sun, which takes the path of an electron, orbiting in spiral.

Trinary Math Helix
Trinary Math Helix
Trinary Math Helix

​Please examine this diagram, and notice the ground is the center, and the Electron does not travel on the Ground, or any circuit board trace, it orbits around it.
This is the same pattern that the Galaxy, Sun, Planets, and Moon, all follow.

The End of Time is a real event, based on our Magnetic Strength reaching 0 in 2061, when our North Magnetic Pole will reach the Equator, and our Poles will reverse. In between the reverse from North to South, our Magnetic strength will reach 0, and our Magnetosphere will collapse, venting our Atmosphere into space for 6.66 minutes, creating an instant Ice Age that will last thousands of years.

AM-Tower allows users or players, to use Einstein or Newtonian Science, but the Simulation does not alter the way the Physics Engine in Unreal Engine works, and the choice does not alter the outcome, that is just part of the Game/Simulation, and the Game part means you can pretend things work the way you believe they do.


Table of Contents

Energy Calculator

Energy is in units of Trinary Energy per Element, which is how much Energy a specific Atom can put out at the given Frequency depending on its Wavelength.
Note: You must know the Fire Resonant Frequency of that Atom for this to work accurately or use Percentage.

Enter Fire Resonant in Frequency, Wavelength or Percentage:
Enter X for the current value:
Energy = Calculate Energy
E = F - ( F - x ) such that:
Energy Calculator
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Table of Contents

Calculate the Madness of People

The Two greatest Wizards of modern times had a lot to say about the way people think, they did not believe that people had the Right to think insane thoughts just because others did, considering we use the Energy of Tesla and the Math of Newton, I would say that what they thought should matter to everyone that uses these things, so this is what they had to say:
Nikola Tesla said “The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite insane.”

Sir Isaac Newton said: “I can calculate the motion of heavenly bodies, but not the madness of people.”
I can calculate that:

Which Universe do you believe in:

What do you believe God is:

I calculate you are:
Calculate the Madness of People
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Table of Contents

BBC Special on Sir Isaac Newton: “The Last Magician”

This video was recorded from a BBC Public Broadcast and shown here under the Fair Act.

Table of Contents


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