Galaxy Calculator


Enter the Name of the Galaxy, for example: Milkyway.


Enter the average size of the Sun, for example: 864,575.9 miles in diameter.


Enter the Livalbe Planet Size, for example: Earth is 7926.2109 miles in diameter.


Trinary means 3 logical states, meaning God.

Enter the Number of Trinary Engines, for example: The Milkyway has 333.


Enter the Radius of the Galaxy, for example: The Milkyway has 241,828,072,282,107.5071453596951.


Enter the Number of Track records to skip.
The smaller the number, the longer the list.
The number must be greater than 0, and less than 1,000.
For example: If you skip every 66 records, you get a list of 21 records.

Track Engines Max Speed
Min Speed
Orbit Distance (miles) Track Frequency

Each line in the table is a track that represents the Sun's path as it orbits the Galaxy.

The Torah tells us that only track 666 supports life as we know it.

You can use this data to plot the orbital path of any Star, in any Galaxy, and given a Planet Size, you can determine where Life exists in the Galaxy.

When Henrietta Swan Leavitt was working for Hubble, the person they named the telescope after, she discovered that the Sun orbits the Galaxy at the same rate, but not the same speed.

This means they all travel around the galaxy as if they were a record on an old-fashioned record player.

Kepler said Christ is a Star, and we know it as Sirius.
It aligns with the Great Pyramid every year on 25 December under the Julian Calendar or 14 January under the Gregorian Calendar.
It is a Binary Star, combined with our Sun, which is also a Star; you have 3 Stars; this is Trinity.
This system will orbit the Galaxy together, in the pattern an electron orbits an atom, and for the same reason, they are the same, only on a different scale.

Trinary and Trinity mean the same thing, with the exception that Trinary is a Science based on 3 Logical State Changes shown in the graph below.

At the Atomic Level, atoms will have a Solid State, which means it is in all 3 dimensions of space, width, depth, and height.

The Arabic numbering system is based on angles, for example, 1 has one angle, 2 has two, 3 has three, and so on. 0 has zero angles.
Trinity uses the logic of 1 and 0, much like Binary, but Trinary makes it 3 states, +1, -1, and 0.

Trinary Science is based on the Newtonian Universe and does not change anything, unlike Einstein, who did the complete opposite.

Newton said Light is Static, as proof it has no acceleration.

Einstein said Light is Dynamic; the opposite and Newton disproved by saying Light has no acceleration, 3 centuries before Einstein was born.

Trinary Science is based on what can be proven, and a Dark Star and its Companions are well-documented in images, like the ones Leavitt studied and observed.

Leavitt did not call them Dark Stars, Newton called them Dark Angels, and Halley said they are Dark Stars, but the term Star was not always accurate.
Regardless of the term she used, Hubble would not hear of it and tell her that a woman's opinion on science has no value.
I am paraphrasing the conversation she wrote about, but I am going to go with Henrietta, and not Edward on this subject in science.

The world was taught that Black Holes existed when Dark Stars existed, and the name changed everything.

A Black Hole is some magical hole that defies all known physics, or common sense.
The theory states a collapsed Galaxy or Star, created a vortex to another dimension in Space.

Einstein called this an Alternate Universe in Alternate Reality.
Alternate and Alternative do not mean the same thing, we cannot apply Dynamic Light to a Universe where Light has no acceleration.

Do not confuse a Deity God that does not exist to a God who is all Light without Darkness which exists.
As proof, ask the Church if God physically exists, we know the answer is no.
In Trinary Science, Christ is the Binary Star we know as Sirius, which is key to the End of Time Event.

In the Torah, when it said Christ is Born on 25 December under the Julian Calendar, is now 14 January, so we know this is when Sirius or Christ the Star, aligns with the Great Pyramid, and it when Earth is closest to the Sun, giving it the power to be born. In reality, this event can be viewed by looking for Sirius in the Sky; it only marks this date.

Trinary Science added Trinary Engines, which are called Dark Stars, according to Edmond Halley, who was taking dictation from Sir Isaac Newton.
The term Star sounded more scientific than Dark Angel and its Fallen Angel Companies.
The prefix Trinary means this is based on 3 Logical State changes in Atoms.

Trinary, Trinity, and God, all mean the same thing and are interchangeable.
Trinary means the Science of God, the same as Newtonian Science, only Trinary Science added Trinary Engines.
Halley might have been the first one to use the term Dark Star, which is a Trinary Engine.

Newton said the Dark Angels are heavenly bodies that we orbit around, without ever knowing they are there.
Fallen Angels are the Companies of the Dark Angel that orbit around a Galaxy, to keep all the Suns on the right track.
This is from the Torah, the one with the Pagan Beliefs in them.

To prove to anyone that Newton is right, I give you the following 3 facts we can all agree on.

  1. Light has no acceleration, therefore, Static
  2. God is the Force of Gravity in F = MA
  3. The End of Time will be in 2061 when our Noth Magnetic Pole crosses the Equator

Planetary Orbital Speed Calculator:

The source code is on GitHub:

The God Formula is (+1) + (-1) = 0. Tycho Brahe said it was a mathematical Truth statement.

This is not an Equation; it is a Formula.

This graph will show you the Waveform of an Alternating Current (AC), much like our Brainwave, it is our Soul, because it takes electricity to make Light and God is all Light without Darkness found inside Atoms.

Sir Isaac Newton said God is the Force of Gravity in all his Equations, as proof, God is all Light without Darkness found inside Atoms.
Therefore, F = MA, where F is the Force of Gravity in Terms of the Light without Darkness found inside all the Atoms in the Universe, and everything is made of Atoms.

We are Light Beings and Light is Everything. Tesla

The Galaxy Calculator Formula, together with God's Formula, make up one Formula that explains the Universe.

| State | Trinity | Visibility | Dimension |
| ----- | --------| -----------|-----------|
| (+1)  | Father  | Solid      | 3D        |
|  0    | Mother  | Invisible  | 0         |
| (-1)  | Son     | Semisolid  | 1 or 2    |

| State | -------- Graph ----------------- |
| (+1)  | *-------*-------*-------*------- |
|  0    | --*---*---*---*---*---*--------- |
| (-1)  | ----*-------*-------*----------- |

Henrietta Swan Leavitt
Henrietta Swan Leavitt
Henrietta Swan Leavitt

Barred Galaxy
Barred Galaxy
Barred Galaxy

Galaxy Time lapse
Galaxy Time lapse
Galaxy Time lapse

Dark Star Figure 8
Dark Star Figure 8
Dark Star Figure 8 Shows 1 Dark Star, and 333 Companion Trinary Engines

Dark Star Orbiting Galaxy with Sirus
Dark Star Orbiting Galaxy with Sirus
Dark Star Orbiting Galaxy with Sirus

Dark Star Orbiting Pattern
Dark Star Orbiting Pattern
Dark Star Orbiting Pattern

Trinary Math Helix
Trinary Math Helix
Trinary Math Helix

​Please examine this diagram, and notice the ground is the center, and the Electron does not travel on the Ground, or any circuit board trace, it orbits around it.
This is the same pattern that the Galaxy, Sun, Planets, and Moon, all follow.

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